Christmas Ornament & Gifts with Karl Johnson Silhouette

Christmas Ornament & Gifts with Karl Johnson Silhouette
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Shipping is included in the price of these items. Please choose “In-town pick-up” at check out - please order other Hive products under a separate order as this is a special holiday offer with our partner Cut Arts. 🐝❤️
Even if you didn’t attend the Live Virtual Silhouette even with Karl Johnson on November 2, the Hive can coordinate your silhouette and create the most memorable holiday gifts for you.
The team at Cut Arts will send the Hive a digital version of your silhouette which we can add to the items listed here or any other porcelain, glass, or stationery in our Hive inventory.
Please request if you would like 2020 added to your ornament.
Two hundred years ago, long before the camera was invented, someone wishing to have an inexpensive portrait created of their loved ones would have visited a silhouette artist. Within minutes and using only a pair of scissors and a skillful eye, he would have produced a wonderful little image with a remarkable resemblance to his subject.
The name Silhouette traces back to the mid-18th century French finance minister, Etienne de Silhouette. Because his name was synonymous with doing things cheaply and because he was fond of making these images himself, this artform was named after him.
In America, Silhouettes were highly popular from about 1790 to 1840. The invention of the camera signaled the end of the Silhouette as a widespread form of portraiture. However, their popularity is being reborn in a new generation of people who appreciate the Silhouette as a nostalgic and unique way of capturing a loved one's image.
They will always make charming keepsakes that will be treasured for generations.